Call Center Phone Systems Features |Basic actions in a call center (#10)

 The 6 buttons in the call center but only 1


1. Warm-up

Can you explain the options you have during a call?

dial - to use a telephone to enter a series of numbers in order to make a call

connect - to establish communication between two or more people or devices

recognize - to identify or be able to distinguish something or someone

save - to store or keep for future use

attempt - to try or undertake an action or task

alert - to inform or warn someone of something, especially of danger

answer - to respond to a question or request

direct - to control or guide the course or path of something

release - to allow or permit something to be released or made available

mute - to make something, such as a sound or a conversation, inaudible or

less audible

hold - to keep or retain possession of something

end - to bring something to a conclusion or final stage

hang up - to end a telephone call by replacing the receiver on the

telephone or pressing a button to disconnect


Here are some examples of phrases that might be used in a call center conversation:

Write what you hear in your notebook (Dictation)

  1. __________________________________

  2. __________________________________

  3. __________________________________

  4. __________________________________

  5. __________________________________

  6. __________________________________

  7. __________________________________

  8. __________________________________

Answer key

  1. "Hello, thank you for calling NESTING ACC. How can I help you today?" (call)

  1. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Could you please spell it for me?" (recognize)

  1. "Let me just pull up your account information. Can you give me your account number please?" (saves)

  1. "I apologize for the wait. I'm doing my best to resolve your issue as quickly as possible." (attempt)

  1. "I see that you have a pending bill on your account. Would you like to make a payment today?" (alerts)

  1. "I'm going to transfer you to our billing department. They will be able to better assist you with your question." (direct)

  1. "Could you hold for one moment while I check with my supervisor?" (hold)

  1. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said. Could you please repeat that?" (mute)




Press the blue button to call a customer. The computer dials the number for you. Then it connects you to a customer. The system recognizes whether the customer answers. If not, the computer will save the number. That way, you can attempt to reach the customer later. This also lets you return calls easily. The computer alerts you when you have an incoming call. Click the green icon to answer the call. Use the screen interface to direct or release the call. You may also mute the call to speak with your manager. Or the customer can hold instead. The call will automatically end when the customer hangs up.

<b><b>Matching Quiz</b></b>

Matching Quiz

a. "What is the purpose of the guide?"

to explain how to use call control software
To review improvements in call control software
to address problems with call control software
to compare different types of call control software

b. "Which of the following is NOT a function of the software?"

dialing numbers and connecting to customers
saving numbers so calls can be returned
adjusting volume automatically
automatically ending a call when the customer hangs up

c. "How can calls be released?"

by using the interface on the screen
by using the computer to dial numbers
By hanging up the call
By clicking the green icon

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