English for Call Center Class 9


"Welcome back! In our last lesson, I introduced you to the qualities of a call center representative and taught you some vocabulary and expressions about the skills and qualities you need to succeed in this job. 

In this video, I will continue exploring the career options you may have when working in a call center and discuss some of the challenges and rewards you can expect from working in a call center. 

I will also provide some tips and advice on how to excel in role-play and make the most of your experience. 

So if you're ready to learn more about what it takes to be

a call center representative, stay tuned!"

Class Objective:

  1. Quiz

  2. Listening for General Idea 

  3. Listening for a specific purpose.

  4. What is the best option for me? 

Let’s get started 

    Choose which word or phrase best fits each blank. 


  1. Representatives should be _____________ about the prices and services their company offers. 

  1. Saying "thank you" is a way of being _____________

sensible/sense of humor 

  1. Having _____________ can help representatives make a sale. 

  1.  Someone who is practical and capable is  _____________

Listen to a conversation between a job counselor and a

job seeker. Mark, the following statements as true (T) or

false (F).

1. ___  The woman has some experience in call centers. 

2. ___ The man does not think a representative should make jokes. 

3 ___ The woman will consider becoming a representative. 

III. Listening and Complete

Job Counselor: I have your career assessment results here, Mrs. Kelly. Have you considered working 1._______ _______ _______ before? 

Job Seeker: No. Do you think, I'm qualified for that? 

Job Counselor: Well, I think you have the right personality for 2. _______ _______

Job Seeker: I think I could do that. I try to be 3. _______ _______ _______ 

Job Counselor: Then I think you should consider it. 

Job Seeker: I'm not sure. I like to make a lot of jokes 4. _______ _______.


Job Counselor: Actually, I think a 5. _______ _______  _______ is a good quality in a representative. 

Job Seeker: Well, I'll 6.   _______ _______  _______

IV. What’s the best option for me?

  1. Customer service skills, English level, and salary expectations 

  1. Technical support skills, English level, and salary expectations 

  1. Sales agent skills, English level, and salary expectations

  1. Retention agent skills, English level, and salary expectations

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