Call Center Schedule English Course # 6 I dont want to have a graveyardshift

Call Center SCHEDULE | English Course #6

In this lesson you will learn everything about call center schedules and based on this information you will know better what schedule to pick and which one not to pick. 

1. Warm-up 

Question: What schedule would be your favorite?

2. Vocabulary








Call centers have different kinds of schedules.


/(24) aʊr/

24 horas

There are 2 24-hours call centers in Nicaragua. 


/breɪk taɪm/


You have 2 break times in your shift.  



Horas extras 

You can make more money when you do overtime. 




I have the morning shift. 



Fin de semana

I don't go to work on weekends. 


/pɑːrt taɪm/

Medio tiempo

She finally got the part-time shift 

Evening shift

/ˈiːvnɪŋ ʃɪft/

Turno media tarde

You wish you had the evening shift. 



Turno nocturno

I don't want to go to the graveyard shift. 

3. Reading 


From: j.knorr@cccall 

To: All employees 

Subject: Changes in Shifts and Hours 

Hello everyone, 

As you know, our schedule is changing. We will 

become a 24-hour call center next week. There will 

be some major changes to your hours. 

Currently, you all work morning and daytime shifts. 

We will now fill shifts for all hours. 

We need volunteers to work evening shifts, graveyard shifts, and weekend shifts. 

We encourage part-time employees to become full-time employees. 

Talk to your supervisor if you are interested. These new shifts provide many 

opportunities for overtime. The length and frequency of breaks remain e same. regardless of shift. 

Please see your supervisor if you have any questions.

Jeff Knorr, C.E.O. 

4. Comprehension 

1. What is the purpose of the memo? 

A to instruct employees about recording shifts on time cards 

B to assign shifts to new employees 

C to explain the benefits of working a particular shift 

D to talk about shift changes in a call center 

2. Which of the following is NOT a shift that the company needs volunteers for? 

A weekend

B graveyard  

C Evening 

D morning 

3. What should part-time employees do to become full-time employees? 

A volunteer for a daytime shift 

B write an email to human resources 

C talk to their supervisors 

D call the C.E.O. 

5. Quiz 

24-hour      break   evening morning 

overtime       shift weekend 

1. Greg enjoyed working the __________ shift so he could stay home with his kids during the week. 

2. Because Cynthia worked the __________ shift, she used her break to eat dinner. 

3. The __________ call center offered employees shifts at all hours of the day. 

4. Working a(n) __________ shift is a good opportunity for people who wake up early. 

5. Employees are typically paid extra for working __________. 

6. Employees can use their __________ to eat or socialize. 

7. Employees typically work a set number of hours known as a(n) __________.

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